FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the answer to your questions. If you don't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Do you organize the shipment of the items?

Yes, on request we take care of organizing the shipment that will be carried out by the companies we collaborate with. This service generally does not include the unloading of the goods on the ground, so if you wish, please inform us explicitly.

If you want this service, it is essential that you communicate to us when placing your order:

1. The delivery address (must be accessible to truck)

2. The day of delivery

3. If it needs to be unloaded on the ground.

Is the packaging of the items included in the price?

Yes, the standard packaging is included in the price, i.e. the EUR pallet (120 x 80 cm disposable) or the Big Bag for granules and simple packaging material to be able to load and transport the product.

Is it possible to buy the items directly on the spot?

Of course! Indeed, we invite you to do so because at our office you will find many more products than those published online.

However, to make sure that the desired product is still available at the time of your visit we advise you to buy it online and then come by to pick up the goods.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?

Online we accept payments made by credit cards (Mastercard and VISA), Paypal and bank transfer.

On site you can pay by credit card or in cash.

If I purchased a product online, after how many days can I go to pickup?

Orders are usually ready 24 hours after receiving the payment. However, we will send an email to the customer when their order is ready for collection.